MUDROOM- Artists’ long table grazing discussion

MUDROOM- Artists’ long table grazing discussion

A group project with the artists who have been a part of FOYER-LA since the beginning, plus one friend-fellow artist they have selected to participate in MUDROOM. Everyone is invited to come to a long table grazing discussion. FOYER- LA is donating a percentage of sales to Grief & Hope to help LA's Artists & Art Workers rebuild.

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KIZU- Different Day

KIZU- Different Day

Different Day by KIZU is a site-specific performance created for the closing reception of Emily Janowick's show Blood Makes the Grass Grow at FOYER-LA. It is a performance that explores the concepts of multiple endings, repetition, location, place, and news media through the descent and ascent of Janowick's staircase installation in the gallery …

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Botanical Ink Making Workshop With Janne Larsen

Botanical Ink Making Workshop With Janne Larsen

We will learn how to make several inks with a variety of plants and scraps unique to our region of Los Angeles. We will be learning about Loquat leaves, mustard flower, Mulberry and black walnut (orange, yellow, blue and black). Price includes all material to make and test several varieties of inks and two bottles of ink to take home. Participants will be able to make their own set of 4 cloth napkins.

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Nana Pops

Nana Pops

There will be frozen banana pops, dipped in chocolate, compliments of NanaPops LA to celebrate the opening of Patrick Lakey’s show.

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Ikebana Workshop With Kyoko Oshiro

Ikebana Workshop With Kyoko Oshiro

In the workshop you will learn the manipulation and the observation of materials, as they are best used to gain the objectives expressed in the Japanese view of flower arranging following the curriculum of the OHARA form of Ikebana done in a low bowl using moribana style, meaning “piled-up.” Bring a low-bowl vase with a diameter of approximately 10”.

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Clairvoyant Tarot And Sound Odyssey

Clairvoyant Tarot And Sound Odyssey

Surrounded and magically imbued by art and handwoven talismans, Mary Grisey will guide visitors through an immersive sound/visualization odyssey where we will drop into a relaxed state of consciousness. Energetic Spirit messages will be channeled by Mary along with a personalized Tarot card reading for all participants. Very excited to welcome musical guest David Wagner (@classicwagner) to create ambient sounds as we dive deep. Please bring a yoga mat and blanket to lay on. Relaxing tea will be served. Spots are very limited.

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